Camping Season is Here!

We are finally enjoying the sunshine, playing baseball, doing the obligatory yard work, and have already taken "Groot" our 19-foot travel trailer and Elsa "Our Arctic Ice Silverado) for some adventures with the family! With a significant rainy season whenever we have ventured out, the camper has been a blessing.

I was even able to find a cool photo of a lonely bee for a future piece!

With a recent commission being complete, I have availability if you, or anyone else you know, may want a commissioned piece. If so, you can DM/email me for pricing details. I will be placing these details on my site soon.

Thanks for considering!

Many of you know I am getting into the voice over business. Here is my teeny tiny studio for Tim Arsenault Productions that is working pretty well! So excited for this "second half" of a future and (hopefully in the next year or two) my retirement from the rest of the world to paint and write and voice over full-time :)

I joined an amazing online organization: A VO's Journey and the owner is also launching, which I am a part of, to provide voice over services (audio books, eLearning, Podcast Intro/Outro, etc.) Check them out! If you are a writer, lots of voices to choose from!


I have given away three prints so far, and the next will be on August 1st and if you’re reading this, you can be entered into the drawing just by visiting my site and subcscribig!

If you think other people will be interested in my art or other happenings, please feel free to forward or share, share, share the madness.

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1 comment

TG- I have a friend that has taken a picture of a Hummingbird I would like you to paint for me if you would. Wondering what the cost would be for 8×10? Your work is beautiful and I love your family…..

Pamela Caswell

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